Wet coating

The best choice for high appearance requirements

When high demands are placed on the appearance of the product, wet painting is the obvious choice. Wet painting takes place in climate-controlled spray booths. One cabin is used exclusively for applying high-gloss paints.
Lacquered parts can be forced-dried on request so that they can be packed immediately afterwards.

The best choice for high appearance requirements

Various options

Wet painting can be done in different ways and with a wide range of paints:

  • Component paints
  • Air-drying paints
  • Coatings
  • Conductive lacquers
  • Textured lacquers
  • Water-based lacquers

Wet paints are generally easy to apply and available in various colours and gloss levels. Many types are highly resistant to chemicals and corrosion. We work exclusively with A-brand suppliers for both priming and finishing.

Various options